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What is Education 4 Everyone?

Education 4 Everyone is a UK based charity registered with the Charities Commission of England and Wales under registration number 1172424. The Charity works to ensure that every child has access to an education and makes the most of the educational opportunities they receive. Learn more about our work by hovering over ‘Projects’ at the top of the page. Barriers to education.

How do I keep in Touch?

You can join us on all our social media channels by clicking on the links at the bottom of the page and by signing up to our newsletter.

Can I Apply for a Grant from Education 4 Everyone?

Education 4 Everyone does not accept unsolicited grant requests from individuals or organisations.

Can I volunteer for Education 4 Everyone?

Yes, we welcome applications from people who would be interested in volunteering with the Charity. Please see our Support us page for more information.